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Boundaries compiled from previously mapped non-rectified paper maps, then adjusted<\/SPAN>to capture the actual boundaries of properties that are being served wherever possible, and not the actual ridge lines of the surface drainage areas. Those surface drainage boundaries are captured in the storm water layers.<\/SPAN><\/P>

As a first order we held to parcel boundaries for properties that were or are being served with sanitary sewer collection. When we got to where there were no existing services, and future service availability was undetermined, we would make our best judgement on how to connect the \u201cknown\u201d properties across the \u201cunknown\u201d. In most cases we made a straight line crossing the property. <\/SPAN><\/P>


We could not easily create a line that followed topo since in many instances the topo for the surface drainage does not match the sewer drainage that is already established for certain areas, especially considering areas where there are \u201csaddle cuts\u201d for the existing sanitary sewer. Therefore, we hoped by drawing such a straight line bisecting the property, that it would make future viewers question the line and ask further questions, and perhaps provide us with better information to refine the boundary. At the very least we can adjust the boundary when future extensions are designed for the area in question. We leave those determinations up to the Engineers.<\/SPAN><\/P>

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