{ "culture": "en-US", "name": "Parcel_Reference_ID_Lookup", "guid": "ED4E3D51-67B6-4966-86F9-5A2C96149693", "catalogPath": "", "snippet": "Use this map to search historic Durham Tax Parcel GIS features and find the correct Parcel ID for a PIN number reference that is no longer associated with Durham County land records. Stop using PIN numbers!", "description": "
Please use the six-digit Parcel ID field value for your parcel as your unique Parcel Reference ID.<\/b><\/div>

Some users have mistakenly been using the parcel PIN number their reference to Durham County Tax Parcel records. If you have been doing so, you should stop this practice immediately. Do not use PIN numbers as a way to identify tax parcels.<\/b>  The PIN number associated with your parcel of interest has been - and will continue to be - subject to change without any notification to the parcel owner or the public at large.  <\/div>

On January 31, 2022 the Durham County tax office changed the algorithm it uses to within the GIS software to calculate the PIN number for Durham Tax Parcles.  As a result, every PIN number in our database was overwritten with a new value that does not match any historic PIN number in our database.  Do not use the new PIN number as a parcel reference.

This webmap is intended to support an application to provide users who have mistakenly been using the PIN number as their parcel reference with a resource that may help them find the correct parcel reference ID (Parcel ID) for their parcel of interest by looking up a "lost PIN number".  allowing them to search 20 years of archived GIS parcel features for parcels that match their "lost PIN".<\/div>

Please use the six-digit Parcel ID field value for your parcel as your unique Parcel Reference ID.<\/b>

GIS features representing parcels are very precise approximations of the legal boundary definitions set forth in the deeds and plats recorded with the Durham County Register of Deeds. GIS parcel polygon features are not perfect and undergo continual edits by certified tax mappers in the tax office to improve their fidelity to their legal boundary definitions as well as those of their neighboring parcels. PIN number field values are calculated automatically by the GIS software. Existing PIN number values are overwritten for a parcel each time an edit to the boundary of its GIS feature is saved to the database. This happens even if the edit is so slight that the edit is imperceptable to most database users.<\/div><\/div>

Do not use PIN numbers as a way to identify tax parcels.<\/b>

Please use the six-digit Parcel ID field value for your parcel as your unique Parcel Reference ID.<\/b><\/div>", "summary": "Use this map to search historic Durham Tax Parcel GIS features and find the correct Parcel ID for a PIN number reference that is no longer associated with Durham County land records. Stop using PIN numbers!", "title": "Parcel Reference ID Lookup", "tags": [ "Parcel lookup", "lost PIN", "Parcel Reference ID", "Durham County Tax Parcels", "historic parcel", "leasehold", "condo" ], "type": "Map Service", "typeKeywords": [ "Data", "Service", "Map Service", "ArcGIS Server" ], "thumbnail": "thumbnail/thumbnail.png", "url": "", "extent": [ [ -79.0260507130629, 35.8603884502252 ], [ -78.6981946250076, 36.2403567032571 ] ], "minScale": 0, "maxScale": 1.7976931348623157E308, "spatialReference": "NAD_1983_StatePlane_North_Carolina_FIPS_3200_Feet", "accessInformation": "", "licenseInfo": "" }