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Legend (CityworksServices/StormwaterServiceForCityWorks)

Stormwater Control Facility (35)
Bioretention Area Bioretention Area
Constructed Wetland Constructed Wetland
Dry Pond Dry Pond
Filterra/Silva Cell Filterra/Silva Cell
Grassed Swale Grassed Swale
Level Spreader Level Spreader
Low Impact Development Low Impact Development
Permeable Pavement Permeable Pavement
Pocket Wetland Pocket Wetland
Proprietary Device Proprietary Device
Rain Harvesting System Rain Harvesting System
Sand Filter Sand Filter
Sand Filter - Underground Sand Filter - Underground
StormFilter StormFilter
Underground Storage Underground Storage
Wet Pond Wet Pond
Stormwater Structure (36)
Combination Inlet Combination Inlet
Curb Inlet Curb Inlet
Drop Inlet Drop Inlet
End Section End Section
Fil-Terra Fil-Terra
Hatch Hatch
Headwall Headwall
Junction Box Junction Box
Manhole Manhole
Minor Drain Minor Drain
Pipe Transition Pipe Transition
Possbile Junction Possbile Junction
Riser Pipe Riser Pipe
Slab Inlet Slab Inlet
Weir Box Weir Box
Stormwater Pipe (37)
City of Durham City of Durham
Private/Pending; Pass Through; Federal Private/Pending; Pass Through; Federal
Open Channel (38)
Ditch Ditch
Flume Flume
River River
Stream Stream
Stormwater Enclosure (39)
Stormwater Structures (Abandoned) (41)
Stormwater Pipes (Abandoned) (42)
Storm Sewershed (44)
Stormwater Regulatory Basin (45)
Major Tile (47)
Minor Tile (48)